Gepubliceerd op 29-07-2020

Photo Viorella Luciana Photography
The coast of Zeeland has attracted many visitors since the 19th century. Dr. Mezger performed his therapies here, drawing notability from all over Europe to Domburg. In the wake of this wealthy elite, artists also moved to Domburg. They became captivated by the beauty of the Walcheren landscape, the characteristic faces of the local population and the brightness of the sunlight. On the coast of Domburg, salt crystals in the air provide reflection, creating the unique “Zeeland light”.
Domburg was not only loved for the beautiful light and its surroundings; the resort would also have a beneficial effect on health. Beneficial effects have been (and are) attributed to the salty air and seawater.
Zeeuwse Badparel soap contains only naturally degradable ingredients that will not damage the beach ecosystem.

Photo Viorella Luciana Photography
Domburg’s continued popularity makes sustainable beach management increasingly relevant. New insights are constantly emerging about the effects of large-scale bathing tourism. Chemical filters in sunscreen can end up in the seawater, causing damage to the ecosystem. Shampoo and shower gel used under the beach showers also end up in the sea.
In collaboration with Hogeschool Zeeland lectorate Marine Biobased Specialties, we have developed an ecological spa soap: Zeeuwse Badparel. The magical ingredient is Codium Fragile, a special seaweed from the Eastern Scheldt. The spa soap can be safely used in the seawater or in the beach shower, but will also provide a relaxing spa treatment at home.
The Zeeuwse Badparel soap can be purchased on the beach in Domburg. A mini wellness on the beach will allow you to rest, recharge and enjoy the special surroundings. In this tiny spa you will find instructions for an all-natural DIY spa treatment at the beach. The soap can be purchased in small bars of 20 grams.
Relax and revitalize at the Zeeland beach!
To read about the design research that preceded this design, and the importance of the term ‘falsely authentic’ in this project, you can read more here.