Gepubliceerd op 03-11-2016
The exhibition Making School researches the future of professional education for youngsters. During the 2016 Dutch Design Week, thirteen design teams presented their research at an exhibition, which grew on a daily basis. The teams investigated the relevant professions pursued by today’s youth and those pertinent to future generations. In addition, the types of learning environments and the teaching methods were also investigated.
Foodcurators participated in this exhibition with the concept of the ‘School Lunch’. During this special lunch, invitees were invited to discuss food-related Maker Education. We used the Yoghurt Clock in the exhibition as a starting point and paradigm.
Foodcurators envision that in the future of professional education, students’ personal food choices will play an important role. Students can profile themselves with their personal vision on food, something that is deeper than just learning how to cook. Moreover, it is important to create hybrid professions. With these options the students benefit from the opportunity to broaden the professional area of food to other disciplines, and discover ways to innovate. In this way we can look differently at future food-related professions.
Making School is an exhibitions of Studio Makkink & Bey in collaboration with designer Dirk Osinga (do|ob). The exhibition was made possible by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.

Designer Lucas Mullié (Foodcurators) tells about his experiences with, and vision on professional education. – Picture: Merle Bergers