
The Netherlands rooted in Zeeland

Throughout its lifetime, Zeeland has been characterized by strife. This province has always been an important strategic area because of the Scheldt Delta. The Dutch war of independence (Eighty Years’ War) was a turbulent war against the Spanish that lasted from 1568 to 1648. Fortresses and defense lines marked the landscape and territories changed rulers over and over. One moment they were in the hands of the Spanish king, then the statesmen hoisted their ‘prince’s flag’. The leader of the Dutch was William of Orange. Many folktales have arisen around his leadership, including the color orange as a national symbol for our country. Legend has it that his supporters even preferred orange foods, making orange carrots the most popular variety in the country. There is no question that orange is still the color of the Netherlands, but orange carrots are also just very tasty.

A souvenir inspired by a folk tale by definition will question historic authenticity.

War and strife make up for a big part of Zeeland’s history. They are important parts of Zeeland’s past, but how much are they remembered in the present? The second World War is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about times of warfare and hostilities, but Zeeland has suffered many more combats. The Eighty Year’s War has laid the foundation of what the Netherlands is today; leading to the constitution in which the Dutch claimed freedom of religion. Despite of its continuous relevance, the Eighty Year’s War seems ancient history. The scars in the landscape that were caused by it seem dormant set pieces, often forgotten or overlooked. To revive the important history that took place in Zeeland, we used the liveliness and imagination of a folk tale to create souvenir of a food product we all know very well in the Netherlands.

This design is part of a bigger project: Zeeland Souvenirs. Read all about the research here.
Photos by Viorella Luciana Photography.
